This programme presents Nina Danino’s most recent feature film Jennifer, which unfolds the life of an enclosed monastery over the course of one day creating a portrait of both the interior of the building and of Jennifer, a Carmelite nun. Preceded by the exultant and feverish swoop of Stabat Mater, which combines handheld camerawork with a fragmented recitation of Molly Bloom's soliloquy from Joyce's Ulysses. Danino will be present for a Q&A following the screening.
Stabat Mater
Nina Danino
1990 | 8 min | Colour | 16mm
"Stabat Mater opens and closes with two sung laments, then launches into a breathless torrent of words and phrases, a re-reading of the eternal feminine of Joyce’s Ulysses, which echoes the exultant/feverish swoop of the camera through a Mediterranean landscape." – Jo Comino
Nina Danino
2015 | 72 min | Colour | DCP
The film unfolds the life of an enclosed monastery over the course of one day. It invites the audience into a world of enclosure, which is rarely seen from the inside. It is a portrait of both the interior of the building and of Jennifer, a Carmelite nun.