As the conclusion of the Carroll / Fletcher Onscreen Young Film-makers season, and part of their new strand of screenings at Close-Up, Carroll / Fletcher presents three films and a discussion to challenge our ideas of, and celebrate the potential of, sex.
Night Soil: Economy of Love
Melanie Bonajo
2015 | 33 min | Colour | Digital
Night Soil: Economy of Love portrays a Brooklyn-based movement of female sex workers who regard their work as a way for women to reclaim power in a male-dominated pleasure zone, their mission being to rearrange sexual conventions and ideas about intimacy itself.
Horny Lil Feminist
Ann Hirsch
2015 | 10 min | Colour | Digital
Horny Lil Feminist, a series of five short films, "[to the Star Trek theme tune] Art, the final frontier, these are the voyages of the horny lil feminist, my continuing mission to explore internet feminisms, to break down existing stereotypes by suggesting new modes of representation, to boldly go where no horny little feminist has gone before…" – Ann Hirsch
Interviews with Feminist Porn Film-makers
Lora Hristova
2015 | 27 min | Colour | Digital
Filmed during the 2014 Berlin Porn Film Festival, Interviews with Feminist Porn Film-makers takes an impartial look at the motivations behind the work of five porn film-makers – Pandora Blake, Lucie Blush, Audrey Fox, Jiz Lee and Ms Naughty.
The screening will be followed by a discussion between:
Lora Hristova (artist)
Petra van Brabandt (Belgium-based philosopher, specialising in feminism, and art and pornography)
Stacey Clare (the Ethical Stripper, a member of the East London Strippers’ Collective)