In the hazy aftermath of World War III, the fallout from a "nuclear misunderstanding" (which lasted two minutes and twenty eight seconds, including the signing of the peace treaty) is producing strange mutations amongst the survivors, and the noble Lord Fortnum finds himself transforming into a bed sitting room…
This vividly imagined, darkly satirical filmic version of a post apocalyptic England, directed by
Richard Lester (
A Hard Day's Night,
How I Won the War,
The Knack) is based on the highly regarded play by
Spike Milligan and
John Antrobus. It also boasts great performances by the cream of '60s British comedy and acting talent: Rita Tushingham,
Ralph Richardson,
Peter Cook, Harry Secombe, Dudley Moore,
Spike Milligan, Michael Horden, Roy Kinnear, Arthur Lowe, Dandy Nichols and
Marty Feldman.