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12 May 2018: After '68: There Are Three Ways to Resist but the Enemy Is One


"For many years now celluloid provocateur Louis Benassi and his collaborator in graphic incursion Lilly Jacobs have been mounting aesthetic activist assaults on single-screen projection with a series of triptych frame-works that hark back to the altarpieces of a belief system made flesh as much as to the dialectic mode of thought-in-action familiar from more recent centuries. They play with time, image, sound, fissure, fusion, dissonance, the gleaned, the scavenged, the lifted and the crafted, along with their colleagues in the cine-cohort of the capital's counter-cultural nexus. Energised by the spirit of 1968 and its social-political-philosophical-sensualist proposals, but light years from nostalgia about now as much as then – they have displayed these wildly imaginative formulae of commodity-fetish disruption at pivotal event moments across the map and the years, but never have they been gathered in one place, audience to their own unspooling...until this never to be repeated immersion in a space that can only exist in the mind's eye of the revolution. Join the suspension of disbelief." – Gareth Evans

16mm triptychs featured include: Black Umbrella, ER Flat 57 F, London's Burning, Street Hassle, alongside single screen works Causeway Notes and Storm over London.

The evening will also feature a live performance from Dean Todd, readings from suitable tracts and anti-capitalist competition giveaways.

This event follows an day of screenings and discussion "After 1968: The Economy of Resistance" at Whitechapel Gallery:

After 68' is a time and place that never ends... On Sunday, travel in its spirit and with some of its personnel on a package holiday to the end of time...

With thanks to David Leister, Louis Benassi, Lilly Jacobs, Gareth Evans and Whitechapel Gallery.