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8 March 2018: Tout va bien


Tout va bien
Jean-Luc Godard & Jean-Pierre Gorin
1972 | 95 min | Colour | Digital
French & English with English subtitles

Fonda was at the height of her fame when she signed on to play an American reporter who, along with her washed-up film director husband (Montand), covers a strike at a French sausage factory in Gorin and Godard’s attack on leftist rhetoric, capitalism and consumer culture. Featuring a justly famous two story cut-away set of the factory (inspired by the bisected boarding house in the 1961 Jerry Lewis film Ladies Man), Tout va bien depicts the varying degrees of worker radicalism with caustic humor. Gorin called it “an historical film. It’s a film about history and its power to transform the individual.”” – Harvard Film Archive

Part of our season on the Dziga Vertov Group